March for Heroes
March for Heroes Set for September 11th
A 16-member team of soldiers representing the Connecticut Army National Guard’s 4th Platoon, Dagger Company (1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regiment) will be raising money for and supporting the mission of House of Heroes Connecticut with a 22-mile “March for Heroes” on Friday, September 11. The March will begin at 8 a.m. at the Hartford State Armory on Capitol Avenue and take a to-be-determined route through the streets of Hartford and surrounding suburbs, ending in West Hartford Center approximately eight hours later.
The March is the collective brainchild of members of the Platoon, whose “Dagger Deeds” community service initiative has provided a helping hand to about eight Connecticut homeowners in need. The 22-mile distance commemorates the estimated 22 military veterans per day who commit suicide. “Suicide has impacted us all in one way or another, most recently with a member of our battalion,” said SFC Jeremy Hughes of Dagger Company. “Our platoon had a long talk about the importance of team and community, and we came up with the idea of Dagger Deeds to use our skills and abilities for good, to connect with people in the community and to be good stewards.
“We researched charities and non-profits in the area and the House of Heroes mission really falls in line with what we are doing with Dagger Deeds,” said SFC Hughes. “We are looking forward to the March and hopefully being part of a House of Heroes project in the future.” The target fundraising goal of the March is $3,500, said SFC Hughes, with members of the platoon contributing individually and soliciting support from friends and family. Senior Aerospace Connecticut of Enfield, a manufacturer of transmission and rotor-head helicopter components for military platforms, is providing matching financial support to the Platoon. SFC Hughes is hopeful the goal will be exceeded.
To recognize Dagger Deeds and support their March, donations may be made on the House of Heroes Connecticut website. Visit and click on the “DONATE” button. Donors are asked to enter “Dagger Deeds” on the donation form to signify their support. House of Heroes Connecticut offers its sincerest gratitude to Dagger Company for choosing to support our mission. Thank you!