HOHCT helps out Uncasville Veteran
Michael Zaleta
A small team of volunteer carpenters from House of Heroes Connecticut (HOHCT) replaced deteriorating front and rear steps at the Uncasville home of 84-year-old U.S. Army veteran Ronald Bolles on Saturday, May 30, making his home safer and more accessible. Bolles served three and one-half years from 1954-1957 as a Medical Technician at Army hospitals in Texas, Pennsylvania and Germany. It was the first project of the year for the non-profit veteran service organization, which has had its project work sidelined due to the COVID-19 crisis. The work at the Bolles home was limited in scale, all outdoors and safety protocols were followed. Saturday’s project was made possible with a memorial donation to House of Heroes honoring the memory of U.S. Navy veteran T. Peter Millaras, a native of Quaker Hill and long- time resident of Southeastern Connecticut who passed away earlier this year at the age of 69.