HOHCT/Crossfit Wallingford Hero Challenge
Michael Zaleta
24 hour Hero Challenge! 24 Hero WOD’s in 24 hours
What an amazing turn out! We had people stop in and out all day, NBC 4 and WFSB was here and we SURPASSED our donation goal!! It was an amazing 24 hours, and again, huge props to everyone who did the full 24 hour challenge!! Teams of 4 completed a WOD (workout of the day) every hour for 24 consecutive hours and donations were open for the entire 24 hour period.
Channel 3 WFSB Interview HOH CT was started by Bill May's father who passed away from cancer in 2016. Bill May is a current member and normally attends the 9:30am class. Bill’s father was a member before and during his initial diagnosis. The charity helps veterans with free home repairs. (all proceeds raised goes to House of Heroes CT).